Rear Horned Baboon Tarantula (Ceratogyrus darlingi)

Ceratogyrus 8 Comments »

The Rear Horned Baboon tarantula (Ceratogyrus darlingi) or sometimes referred to as the Burst Horned Baboon is an Old World (OW) arachnid from the southern parts of Africa. Indigenous to Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique and Zimbabwe they grow to be about 4.5 to 5 inches in size with females being a lot bigger then their male counterparts. This is a very fast growing species. Females are known to live 10 to 15 years while males can mature within 2 years and typically live between 2 and 4 years. This is one of the most common Ceratogyrus species in the hobby highly admired due to its carapace/peltidium featuring a black slightly reared foveal horn. The Rear Horned Baboon tarantula’s coloring are ash gray, mud-brown to black.

Rear Horned Baboon tarantula

(Photo credit: @arachnophobaea)

Habitat: The rear horned baboon (Ceratogyrus darlingi) is an obligate burrower and terrestrial tarantula. As slings they should be kept in damp substrate in small vials and as they grow in deli cups. This is a very fast growing tarantula and you can expect a few molts a year until they reach maturity. Fully grown they only need about a 5 gallon tank with a somewhat dry substrate. Be sure to add plenty of substrate as this tarantula will start burrowing and tunneling within days of being housed. You can add a starter hide which may or may not get used. A water dish should be available and it is recommended to overfill this at least once a week. Temperature should be kept around 78° to 80° F with a humidity of 60% to 70%. This tarantula is notorious for webbing up its home and you will notice that right away.


Feeding: This tarantula eats EVERYTHING you throw its way. A steady diet of crickets, roaches, locusts, and other insects should be fine. They are ferocious and will pounce on anything even when they’re small little slings. As always feed your tarantula about once a week and be sure to remove any prey if not touched after 24 hours. If your tarantula is in pre-molt stages do not feed and wait at least a week and a half to re-feed after it molts.


Attitude: Being that Ceratogyrus darlingi is an Old World tarantula they are known for being aggressive. They do not come equipped with urticating hairs and rely on their bite and venom for protection. Though this is a very common species in the hobby we do not recommend this being a beginner tarantula at all. Their venom is equivalent to a bee sting but can still pack a punch. Common symptoms of a bite include; nausea, muscle aches, headache. If an allergic reaction occurs seek medical attention.


Do you have a Ceratogyrus darlingi ? Comment below!

Burgundy Goliath Birdeater Tarantula (Theraphosa stirmi)

New World, Theraphosa No Comments »

Known as one of the largest species of tarantulas in the world, this tarantula comes straight from Guyana. Adults have a leg span anywhere between 9 to 11 inches in length. Mature (ultimate) males  lack mating spurs (tibial apophyses), they have pink tarsi (feet) as spiderlings and juveniles. As Adults their patella (knee) will also be bald or have next to no/small hairs. These tarantulas are heavy bodied and posses a distinct burgandy/brown post molt color with reddish bristle-like looking legs and abdomen.





The Burgundy Goliath Birdeater Tarantula are big terrestrials. The Burgundy Goliath Birdeater Tarantula will need an enclosure that is more wide then it is tall. They are fast growers and as adults should be kept in a 15-20 gallon tank giving it ample space to move. The Burgandy Goliath Birdeater requires some humidity (we recommend 75 to 80% humidity) with a temperature of 80 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit to emulate its environment in the wild. Your substrate is key. We recommend damp coconut fiber but vermiculite can also do well, both with weekly water spraying. In addition to humidity your tarantula will require ample ventilation. Prevent stagnant air as this can do harm and even kill your tarantula. A bark hide is recommended as a startup hide, your tarantula will probably end up burrowing underneath it and make its own home. An overflowing water dish should always be present with clean water. Pesticide-free plants and moss can be added but not required.



The Burgandy Goliath Birdeater is a voracious eater to keep up with its fast growth. Any variety of gut-loaded crickets, roaches, locusts, mealworms, superworms can be a healthy and great meal for your tarantula. As full adults you might be able to also feed your tarantula small lizards and mice though we would recommend this be a rare snack for your tarantula to prevent any calcium buildup in your tarantula. As always any prey not consumed within 24 hours should be immediately removed from the enclosure to prevent harm/stress to your tarantula.



The Burgandy Goliath Birdeater is known for having one of the most irritating urticating hairs of all tarantulas. As slings and juveniles they tend to be very skittish but become more laid back as adults. Though they can be aggressive they rarely show a threat pose. We do not recommend handling this species to their sheer size and inch long fangs which can definitely cause some harm though their venom is not lethal to humans.


Trinidad Chevron Tarantula (Psalmopoeus cambridgei)

Old World, Psalmopoeus 1 Comment »

The Trinidad Chevron Tarantula is a New World majestic tarantula from the tropical areas of Trinidad and Tobago. Loved due to their great chevron marking on their abdomens these animals spend most of their time up in trees blending in with their environment. They tend to make silk tubes in trees/leaves to live out in. Average growth for these animals tend to be about 4 to 5 inches with males living to be about 2 to 4 years and females living close to 12 years. As they grow from spiderlings (slings) to adults they tend to change colors looking more colorful as juveniles.





The Trinidad Chevron Tarantula is an arboreal species and it spends most of its time suspended on tree limbs and plants. They are not known for being on the ground and we would recommend an enclosure that has more height then it has length or width. Of course we would recommend it being at least between 12 to 16 inches in height. The floor of your enclosure should have some sort of coconut fiber with at least 2 to 3 inches of very damp substrate. Humidity is key as they require 80% or better humidity with a temperature of about 78 to 85 degrees. Beware of stagnant air as this can certainly end up killing your tarantula so be sure to keep the enclosure well ventilated. You should have enough bark or plants for it to climb and spin its web on. As always a fresh shallow water dish should always be overfilled with clean water. A great tip would be to perhaps glue the water dish to the bark on in the enclosure so that your tarantula does not have to climb down to drink.



The Trinidad Chevron tarantula is a decent eater, as most tarantulas all it really requires would be crickets, cockroaches, locusts or even fruit flies. It is highly unlikely that you can overfeed this species but only feed it once a week a couple of insects at a time.



These are fast and aggressive tarantulas and we do not recommend handling them. Though they can sit on their bark all day not moving they tend to be extremely fast. They do not have urticating hairs and rely in their bite and venom as a primary defense. There are even stories of these tarantulas attacking their own molt.  Caution should be applied when maintaining their enclosure.


This would be a great tarantula for the intermediate/expert hobbyist getting their first old world tarantula. They require rather low maintenance and do not cause much problems. However due to their temperament we do recommend not handling them.

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