Neoholothele incei pairing and mutation

Breeding Reports, Neoholothele 2 Comments »

Breeding report: Neoholothele incei

Olive Mature Female with Olive Mature Male

Olive Mature Female with Olive Mature Male


Begin with female well fed in a somewhat moist but not saturated enclosure, introduce male. If receptive, female will tap back to the male. If there is no tapping from the female, it’s best to try another day.

After witnessing a successful insertion from the male, immediately rehouse the female into a fresh enclosure with saturated substrate (so wet you could squeeze water out of it). Feed female heavily until she webs herself into her chamber.


Incubation times (temps at a constant 83 F)


0-12 days- eggs

12-13 days- EWLs

14-23 days- 1i

23-30 days- 2i


Color forms:

Neoholothele incei has two color forms. The first is the “olive” or wild type, the second being “gold.” Unlike other theraphosid species with recognized colorforms, the color forms of N. incei aren’t locale specific but rather genetic mutations. It is uncertain what type of mutation the gold colorform is, however data is suggesting it is a simple recessive trait. Over the last 6 months I have bred Neoholothele incei extensively, using every combination of colors to prove the gold color form is genetic; here are some of my findings;

To start, I paired each olive female to a gold color form male. This allowed me to determine whether or not said female was heterozygous (het) for the gold gene. We can use punnet squares to predict the outcome of the eggsac, however to do so the genes of the pair must be known, hence my initial pairings. Out of 7 olive females initially bred to gold males, only 1 female of the group produced approximately 50% gold offspring in the sac, with the other 50% being olive. So, that one female was noted to be het for gold while the other 6 were noted as homozygous olive.  (note: a female noted het for gold is still olive colorform, as a gold specimen is inherently homozygous).

As predicted, a gold female mated to a gold male yielded 100% gold slings, and a homozygous olive female mated to a homozygous olive male yielded 100% olive slings. When a heterozygous female was mated to a heterozygous male, the sac was approximately 60% with the rest being olive.

*Note: the colors of offspring within a sac can deviate from the predicted percentages significantly since theraphosids reproduce in rather high numbers compared to other animals.


Homozygous olive female (gg) mated to homozygous gold male (GG), produce offspring heterozygous for gold (gG)


Heterozygous for gold female (gG) Mated to homozygous gold male produce offspring with approzimately half being homozygous gold, and half being heterozygous for gold


A homozygous gold female mated to a homozygous gold male will produce all homozygous gold offspring


A het for gold female mated to a het for gold male yields the most complicated mixture of offspring:

Approximately 25% gold slings, 25% homozygous olive slings, and 50% heterozygous for gold slings. Since the genes of an olive specimen cannot be determined based on phenotype, olive slings from these pairings are typically labeled 66% possible het, as there is a 66% chance that thany one olive sling from this sac is het for gold.


Article by Jonah Lazich

Photos by Jonah Lazich/Bellinghamarachnids

Ceratogyrus darlingi Pairing

Breeding Reports, Ceratogyrus No Comments »

Ceratogyrus darlingi breeding report

ceratogyrus darlingi pairing

Species: Ceratogyrus darlingi

Common name: Rear horned baboon tarantula

Successful: Yes


The female molted on December 10th, 2015 and after fully hardened was fed heavily between December 20th-25th

First pairing took place on December 26th at 9pm and three separate insertions were witnessed.

The male was paired with female a total of 3 times between December 26th and janurary 6th

After the last pairing attempt the female was fed heavily. She dropped a sac on February 10th 2016

After 25 days the sac was pulled on march 6th, 2016

Post-mating care:

no special care. Female was kept at a constant 75-78 degrees throughout the project

Total count: 116 EWLs


Ceratogyrus darlingi caresheet


Lasiodora parahybana pairing

Breeding Reports, Lasiodora No Comments »

Lasiodora parahybana breeding report

Lasiodora parahybana pairing

Species: Lasiodora parahybana

Common name: Salmon pink birdeater tarantula

Successful: Yes


Unsure of the female’s last molt date but she looked fresh enough and was fed heavily for the week leading up to the pairing.

Pairing took place on February 6th with multiple insertions witnessed.

After pairing attempt she was heavily fed and a sac dropped a little over a month after on April 28th

The sac was pulled away from the female a little over a month after on May 25th

Post-mating care:

The female was fed heavily after pairing and the humidity in her enclosure was raised by flooding one side of her enclosure while keeping the other side dry.

Total Count: roughly about 1,500 1st instars.

Salmon pink birdeater 1st instar slings


Lasiodora parahybana caresheet located here

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