The Skeleton Tarantula is a tarantula indigenous to Brazil and other parts of South America. This new world species is loved due to its dark brown abdomen, light brown carapace and skeleton like markings on its black legs. In adult size they grow anywhere between 4 to 6 inches in length.  They live to be on average anywhere from 4 to 8 years with females outliving the males.





The Skeleton Tarantula is a terrestrial burrowers. For a full grown tarantula you will want a 10 to 15 gallon enclosure with at least 6 to 8 inches of substrate. They tend to burrow deep. Make sure your substrate is damp to give your tarantula plenty of humidity. The substrate itself should be a mix of eco-earth (or whatever other coconut fiber you prefer) and vermiculite. A hide can also be added to the enclosure in the event that your tarantula feels like being above ground. A shallow water dish with fresh water should also always be available. A temperature of about 78 to 82 degrees should be fine with a humidity level of about 75 percent.



As spiderlings (slings) you can feed them fruit flies, as they get older you can switch to small pinhead crickets to then large crickets to eventually even large cockroaches and locusts. They are good eaters but as always if you see the prey being untouched after 24 hours remove it form the enclosure.



For a new world species they tend to be quite aggressive. If approached they will easily assume a threat/defensive position. In addition they do come with urticating hairs which uniquely are on its palps and in worst cases can bite. Their venom though not lethal to humans can cause pain and swelling in addition to muscle cramps. It is for those reasons that we not recommend you to handle these animals.


Do you have a Skeleton Tarantula or simply have a question? Comment down below and tell us about your experience! We would love to hear from you